Empowering designers to impact the change.
Our Impact
Designodal catalyzes positive social and environmental changes by empowering design professionals to collaborate and support local artists, creatives, nonprofits, and agencies working with the community by leveraging our design skills. We inspire artistry and creativity by showcasing custom-designed art pieces from featured artists.
"Be the change you wish to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi
Featured Artists
@ ginascyu
Gina enters the solitariness of the studio to unearth the truths of her identity through visual explorations and physical journaling through painting.
John derives inspiration in his industrial design aesthetics from his love of sketching and painting nature.
A multi-form artist creating art installations, illustrations, and art couture inspired by the Polish avant-garde theatre and visual arts.
We custom design or print per order. We do not sell directly from the website. Please send us an email with the listed product name and quantity. We will make sure to get back to you with the details.
Connect with us if you are a Designer/Artist and would like to be featured or know more about us.
Connect with us if you are a nonprofit and would like us to support your mission and cause.
Designodal, Inc. supports nonprofits with the percentage of proceeds from the sale of the items. The products are custom-designed by a team of designers. Please join us in supporting the cause.