Master Planning

Site Planning is the art of arranging buildings and other structures on the land in harmony with each other.
- Kevin Lynch
At Designodal, we believe that planning is an interpretation of the stories of the user. Weaving the art of storytelling through planning builds community engagement that is unique to the place, improves communication, and ultimately empowers the community. Symbolism, cultural interpretation, and response to the existing natural environment play a key role in our design language. We help people create their places and craft their own stories.
We work closely with the clients, private developers, and governing agencies to create public spaces, urban plazas, urban trails, streetscapes, waterfronts, campuses, and other areas in the public realm. We believe that the key to a livable and sustainable city lies in the restoration of existing resources such as urban renewal, environmental restoration, and the development of unique openspace systems.
Site and Context Analysis; Data Collection
Assist in Feasibility Reports & Studies
Vision, Branding & Conceptualization
Master Planning
Environmental and Sustainability Guidelines
Design Guidelines
Organizing/Participating in Community & Stakeholder Events
Development Strategies and Phasing